Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Album art... Google's next big thing? I wish!!!!

Yahoo recently announced that they are discontinuing their music service. I can switch to Rhapsody. Wow, no thanks. Yahoo is doing a great thing, offering refunds or DRM free versions of songs you purchased.

On the other hand (I have 2), this really upsets me because I used to use Music Match. Anybody else use that? I loved it. It had everything I wanted. Rip in multiple formats, burn quickly, and not a single album cover was missing. Then Yahoo had to go and buy MusicMatch, and killed it, and forced me to switch to Yahoo music player.

Yahoo can't find art for about half of my albums. And windows media player. About one-third of my albums have no art. Oh sure, I can go find the art and cut and paste it into the icon. But why do I have to do that? Is it some other form of piracy that the RIAA has deemed unacceptable use? Can't Microsoft hire some minimum wage (or less nowadays) summer intern looking for a cool job to go out and scan and find all the album art?

Google... Here is your next great tool with lots of potential for advertising revenue... Search and find and categorize and link all music album art since 1909. Or whenever the first album was sold commercially. Trivia: The first collection of records to be called an "album" was Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite

How hard can that be for the google terabillamillicentigoogol server farm? Heck, I'd even be willing to pay 10 cents per hit. 1000 albums, that is 100 bucks. Why not, I've already paid the music industry 3 times for just about every album I have.

How about an album art service for a useful web search app?

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Cable is so web 1.0. I am ready for web 2.0

I've just about had it with the cable company. I am paying over 10 bucks per month for "taxes, fees,...etc". I pay 9 dollars for digital service? Why do I have to pay for that? Will I still have to pay that after the digital transmission law becomes active? I pay 8 bucks for my 1 convertor box. Per month. ridiculous.

I have been looking at alternatives, and I am starting to wonder if I should just watch all of my TV via the web? It's like having a 1 day time-delayed DVR. Really, I have checked, and the 8 tv shows I watch are all available on the web for free. Well, I would have to watch the commercials, but watching it for free might be worth it. I have a nice computer that can connect to my nice tv.

I can only see 1 downside to this plan. No HBO, Showtime, etc. So, I would have to go to Netflix or Blockbuster to rent those 6 months later when they come out on DVD. Do I really need to see any of this stuff right away? I'd have to make sure I stay away from the water cooler at work. I don't want someone telling me what happened last night on Lost.... hmmmm. I gotta go. I need to sign up for netflix.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The ultimate social app? (Part II)

A quick google search later, and I had found . It is a great site that allows me to sum up my activity in 140 characters or less (that is usually easy to do) and will post it to all of my social networks. Ahhhhhhh nirvana, until I realized I still have to read all these different sites to keep up with what my real and virtual friends are doing.

So, what we (and I mean the royal we) need is an app that will allow us to not only post, but also read all of those social comments by all of our friends. Wow, that sounds great doesn't it? What features do you think that kind of an app should have? Found out my list next time...