Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The ultimate social app?

I've started using a lot of social websites, first because I thought they might be useful for work, but now I realize they have limited work usage, but are fun and interesting ways to get other perspectives on everything. I started on twitter, then facebook, then myspace, and then plurk. There are lots of other sites: friendster, friendfeed, pownce, bebo, jaiku, ad infinitum. LinkedIn is the most business oriented, but I haven't done any business there. But, I'm sure that is my fault.

I'm not really interested in trying them all. Oh, I signed up for them, cause I could and no one had picked my favorite user name yet, so I thought I should reserve it for the future, just in case...

What I have noticed is that I can spend all of my free time tweeting and plurking and powncing and facing and ...well you get the idea. Not a very useful way to spend the small amount of free time I have.

Ping em... ping em all !!!

Firefox has a cool trick called popout or fly out. I first saw it mentioned in regard to facebook. So, I'm trying out the pop out to allow me to post from firefox sidebar.

Cool it works... :-) Not always the result you expect when technology is involved... has a new code as of 7/31/08 beta code is pingscompany

Friday, June 20, 2008

Web 2.0 finally usable on my blog

I've spent a ton of time updating my blog using lots of fancy web 2.0 widgets, gadgets, and poodgets and it is looking good. I'm pretty happy with it, just a few more tweeks. Let me know if you know of a cool poodget I'm not using. listen

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